Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

What Does Forgiveness Even Look Like? (Matthew 18-21-35)

In order for Jesus' followers to endure as a community of truth, a community that seeks first justice and peace, those followers have to learn how to forgive. When? How much? Exactly whom? These are all secondary questions in Jesus' mind. What's at stake has to do with more than my hurt feelings; it has to do with the relationship necessary to sustain a community of truth in a world of lies, a community of justice in a world in which everyone seems most concerned to guard their own feelings against the very real possibility of hurt and betrayal, a community of peace in a world always in danger of being rent asunder by our tendency to harbor violence in our hearts against those who've wronged us.

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Irreconcilable Differences (James 2:1-10, 14-17)

In a culture that tells us to pile up as much stuff as we can, it’s difficult not to cling—to our possessions, to our longing for success, to our relentless need for respectability. But following Jesus is about letting go of those things and traveling down another path—a path that leads us through all the wrong neighborhoods, populated by all the wrong people, occupying themselves with all the wrong things, things that we’ve been taught are pointless (at best) or ruinous (at worst)—a path that is irreconcilably at odds with the available paths offered by a consumerist culture.

And that path—even though it appears to lead us through all the places our culture has told us to avoid—according to Jesus, and usually without our knowing it, is the path that leads us home.

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The Gates of Hell (Matthew 16:13-20)

Better late than never, Derek's sermon from this past Sunday, August 31. Really good stuff.


You see, empathy . . . that’s good. We have to have some sense of how other people feel, the suffering and the indignities they undergo. But it’s not enough to feel someone else’s pain, we need to find a way to share in it, to help them confront it, endure it, transform it into a power of its own.

I think the only way to do that is to stand with those who suffer injustice, who live with the alienation of being the one to whom no one must pay attention, who know only the dehumanizing pain of constantly having to act like you’re someone other than who you are, just so you won’t get bullied, beaten, sexually harassed, or shot. We have to raise our voices with the voices of those who wield no power, who are always in danger of having their voices ignored. We who would follow Jesus must sacrifice something for them.

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Christian Abundance (Matthew 14:13-21)

Sermon delivered by Rev. Chuck Lewis on August 7, 2014

We've been blessed with many gifts. What kind of stewards should we be?

Discipleship lives above the economy of scarcity and dares to live the economy of the abundance of God, with eyes to see those who "need not go away,” and ears to hear our mission to “give them something to eat”—and there will always be enough.

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Our Friends at Freedom House Doing the Lord's Work among Mothers in Recovery

If you want to know how difficult it is to be in recovery from substance abuse and try to have a baby and try to hold your family together, read this article. We're proud of our friends at Freedom House, and all the work done by Volunteers of America. They truly are doing the Lord's work among Mothers in recovery.

Book signing at the Farmers Market

If you missed Derek's book signing on August 17, it may well not have been the biggest mistake you've ever made.

Derek will be signing books again this Saturday, August 30 @ the Douglass Loop Farmers Market from 10am-2pm.

There will be copies of the book to purchase on the day of the signing. But if you'd prefer to purchase one of your own beforehand, you can preorder one at

If you'd like to find out more about Derek the author, or read a few excerpts from the book--you know, just to see if it's worth your time--check him out on his website, and on his author page of Facebook.


Hope Floats (Exodus 1:8 – 2:10)

We're proud to welcome Rev Candasu Vernon Cubbage to the pulpit. Speaking truth to power, y'all.

We can't save the whole world, but we can do something. And if we look hard enough, there is usually more than one way to respond when those in authority over us are wrong.

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Bake Sale!

What: Bake Sale! 

When: Sunday, August 31 (after worship)

Where: In the Gathering Area at Douglass Blvd. Christian Church

Why: Because you need the sweet goodness of homemade baked wares (and to raise money for the Mission Trip).

How much: You're just going to have to bring your check book and find out.

DBCC is giving


Last Sunday, Douglass Blvd. Christian Church voted to approve a gift of $15,000 to New Roots--a local non-profit charged with making fresh produce available in food deserts here in Louisville. With this contribution, as well as money they've already raised, they will be able to open a market in Smoketown, making fresh, local food available and affordable to a community that traditionally has had few options.

Along with this proposal, the congregation voted to earmark an even larger sum of money for future gifts. These funds are all part of the development of what we're (for now) calling an outreach initiative. With the funds that we've set aside, those who have been named to the Outreach Task Force, along with leadership, will be emphasizing the importance of community giving as a part of our mission, as well as seeking out and vetting potential recipients and partners in our journey.


It's all pretty exciting.

We at Douglass Blvd. have been truly blessed. But we see our responsibility as a community of means to make sure we're doing our best to be good stewards of that blessing.

We hope you'll continue to walk with us on this journey.

Outreach Proposal

Statement by Clare Rutz

Prayer of the People

Delivered by Brian Cubbage on Sunday, August 17, 2014.

Merciful, loving, and gracious God,

We come before you today to confess that we seek to be the whole body of Christ in our own right. We seek to be self-sufficient islands, complete unto ourselves. But you remind us that we are only who we are within community. We are, therefore I am. Help us to remember that we are members of one body, borne upon one another's joys and griefs, struggles and victories; hurt by injustice done to any; liberated only by justice done for all. Help us to learn which member of the body we are. Help us to do and be well at being the part we are called to be, whether we be a hand to help; a mouth to speak; a leg to move; an ear to hear; a heart to feel; an eye to see.

This day we pray for all those members and friends of our community of faith who have need: Beth Eilers, James Knox, Raymond Philpot, Vicki Land's father, John Cutsinger, Craig Schroeder, Margie Moody, Kristina Peters, Max Chancellor, Jack Pittenger, Clara Cruikshank, Roger Geeslin, Richard Nash, Millie Rott, Harold Lindsey, Norman Harrison, and Hazel Wintzer

We pray for our community of faith as we reason together about our outreach into our neighborhood and our city.

We pray for the families of Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri; Ezell Brown of Los Angeles, California; Eric Garner of New York City; and for the families of all others who have died at the hands of police in our country.

We pray for the entire community of Ferguson and St. Louis, for those who protest for justice and for those sworn to uphold it, that honesty and a desire for truth guide all their, and our, words and actions.

We lift up in joy today all those, both within our community and without, who prepare to start a new school year. May your blessings be upon the learning and discovery they and we experience this year.

We pray for all those who struggle today with unemployment; with burdensome debt; with foreclosure; and with poverty and homelessness. We pray that, in a land of plenty, all may find a place at the table; and that we may know the favor of your jubilee.

We pray for all of those who endure the hatred and oppression of others on account of their race; their ethnicity; their nationality; their gender expression; their sexual orientation; their religion.

We pray finally for all those whose joys and woes and needs are known only to you, God, that you may shelter those deep within your heart.

It is in Jesus' name that we pray.


New Day Dawning (Genesis 45:1-15)

Today we're privileged to have Darla Bailey filling the pulpit. Slingin' a little Baptist flavor our way.

I believe that what our pastor (Dr. Derek Penwell) has challenged us, the readers of this book and with his leadership is to go boldly into the future – right or wrong – keep going. How do we continue our history and to see that we are in fact carrying on the message of “our God reigns”? How do we make it through what seems to be a new wilderness for us and see what we can become? What can we do to reach out to others and let them know that we care?

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What you should be reading from #Ferguson

Antonio French

@antoniofrench is an Alderman in St. Louis. He took several videos you can watch on his Twitter timeline. He was arrested during peaceful demonstration last night.

Wesley Lowery

@WesleyLowery is a reporter for the Washington Post. He was also arrested last night. Inside a McDonald's. He wrote a piece on it his experience this morning upon release.

Ryan Reilly

@ryanjreilly is a reporter for the Huffington Post. He was also arrested last night.

Other articles you should read:

If there is anything you'd like to contribute to this list, tweet us @douglassblvdcc or email us at

A few of these articles may contain strong language

Camping Trip Update

"That's a lot of smoke."

"That's a lot of smoke."

As mentioned a few weeks ago, DBCC is going camping at Red River Gorge. It's only two weeks away. Here's the skinny:


A cabin of fun people near Red River Gorge


Balderdash, hiking, sunsets, nature, campfires, grill fires, why not?, wiffle ball, pancakes, fireflies


Pine Crest Lodge


August 22-24; We will carpool from DBCC (2005 Douglass Blvd) at 5:30 on Friday, return mid-afternoon Sunday



What to bring:

We will provide food. There will be beds for everyone, but you are welcome to bring tents and sleeping bags if outside floats your boat. Comfortable shoes. Board games. Small rucksack if you are so inclined. Your best marshmallow roasting stick.


August 22-24 (Friday-Sunday)


  • This cabin sleeps 32
  • This is a large cabin
  • We want you to come with us
  • There will be enough space

Please consider coming with us. We promise it's worth it.

If you're interested, email Ben Carter, or call him at 502-509-3231.

Derek is signing books!

Our good pastor, Rev. Dr. Derek Penwell, wrote a book. And it's coming out August 15.

An honest-to-goodness published book. With a cover and everything! No more of this blogging business . . . okay just kidding, he's still blogging.

On August 17th from 4-6pm here at Douglass Boulevard Christian Church, Derek will be signing copies of his book, The Mainliner's Survival Guide to the Post-Denominational World. Wine, cheese, and good vibes will be provided.

Please come out and support Derek and congratulate him all the hard work that has gone into this huge achievement.

There will be copies of the book to purchase on the day of the signing. But if you'd prefer to purchase one of your own beforehand, you can preorder one at

If you'd like to find out more about Derek the author, or read a few excerpts from the book--you know, just to see if it's worth your time--check him out on his website, and on his author page of Facebook.