Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

What Does Forgiveness Even Look Like? (Matthew 18-21-35)

In order for Jesus' followers to endure as a community of truth, a community that seeks first justice and peace, those followers have to learn how to forgive. When? How much? Exactly whom? These are all secondary questions in Jesus' mind. What's at stake has to do with more than my hurt feelings; it has to do with the relationship necessary to sustain a community of truth in a world of lies, a community of justice in a world in which everyone seems most concerned to guard their own feelings against the very real possibility of hurt and betrayal, a community of peace in a world always in danger of being rent asunder by our tendency to harbor violence in our hearts against those who've wronged us.

What Does Forgiveness Even Look Like? (Matthew 18-21-35)
Derek Penwell

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