Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

Out in the Wilderness with the Wild Beasts (Mark 1:9-15)


When Jesus meets us out in the wilderness, he doesn’t magically cure all the violence, doesn’t stopper the mouths of the wild beasts who reside there. Instead, he provides healing … which is a different frame, one that offers hope where before there was only the inevitability of fear and death.

Healing gives us enough space to consider new possibilities, to truly see those with whom we were formerly at war as themselves children of the God who breaks in on all of us. God ripped open the heavens, the Spirit descended, and drove Jesus out into the wilderness. And in the world Jesus is busy announcing, now those stranded out in the wilderness will finally be find a home.

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Sermon text: [ web][1] | [ doc][2]

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