Telling Our Story: Audrey & Margot Connor (July 11-12)
About Audrey
Rev. Audrey Connor is a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister who has served as an associate pastor and Family Life Minister in Knoxville, Tennessee and Lynchburg, Virginia respectively. She served as the Disciples of Christ national advocacy organization, GLAD Alliance’s board from 2009 to 2013. And organized the GLAD Easter Writing Project in years 2013 and 2014. Audrey is also an avid lover of problem solving and teaches math in Tuscon, Arizona where she lives with her wife, two dogs, and two cats.
About Margot
Rev. Margot Connor is a retired minister in the Christian Church Disciples of Christ who served as pastor to First Christian Church Bowling Green, Ohio and Karl Road Christian Church in Columbus, Ohio. She is a spiritual director, retreat leader and Reiki practitioner. She is also mother of three, grandmother of five and most important, Audrey’s mother! She lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband Chuck and their puppy Ginger.
Schedule of events:
Living in the Tension: What does it look like to live in the space with the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community and the church?
10:30-12 Listening to God’s voice: Breaking down the barriers that keep us from hearing God’s call in our midst.
Noon lunch break 1:00-2:00 Listening to the Voices of the Unheard: Breaking the barriers that keep us from hearing others.
Sunday School: Developing Strategies of bringing our voices out in the world: Breaking down the barriers that keep us from sharing our stories with others
Sermon: Do I Have to go into the Wilderness? Mark 1:9-17