Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 

Telling Our Story: Sharing Journeys of Faith


So, this summer Derek will be traveling to foreign lands (like Indiana and Italy) to learn how to shape the story of a faith community into a narrative--something we can share with ourselves and our future.

While he's away, we're going to be spending time deciphering just what that story is. To do that, we're going to hear from others about their experiences, using their example and expertise as inspiration for our own.

We've invited nine speakers from all over the country to do just that:


6-7 Dan Moseley Writing Our Story

20-21 Julie Richardson Youth in a Changing World

27-28 Steve Knight Using the Internet in Church


11-12 Audrey Connor LGBTQ Issues

25-26 Jon Berquist Changing Church Governing


1-2 Sandhya Jha Using Our Stuff

8-9 April Johnson Issues of Race

15-16 Brandon Gilvin Re-imagining Outreach

22-23 Phil Snider The Radical Edges of Ministry

Each guest will be here for at least Saturday and Sunday, and will be sharing both the Sunday Sermon as well as any number of workshops, seminars, dinners, and social gatherings.

We hope you'll attend as many as possible. This is a really exciting opportunity, and we're thrilled to be sharing this time.