Voice of the People: Travis Myles
Travis Myles was presiding elder a few weeks ago. These are his words from the table that Sunday:
Since almost the beginning of time, there have been US's and THEM's: Cain and Abel, women and men, black and white. liberal and conservative. If humans are good at one thing, it's putting ourselves in any number of boxes, and then labeling those not like us in one way or another as a THEM.
But at this table, there are no labels, boxes, or lines. All are welcome and all truly means all. Those who have been excluded by others in the church. They are welcome here. Those who work to make the church open to all. They are welcome here. And, possibly the hardest lesson that I have to learn over and over again, even those who attempt to exclude others from this table. They are welcome here too. All who come to this table will find love and peace.