Sign Up for Repair Affair!
Mark your calendar for June 15th's New Direction's Repair Affair!
New Directions, Inc, who will operate Woodbourne House, our senior housing initiative, has an exciting opportunity for DBCC to directly provide housing repair needs for elderly and disabled homeowners of low income.
Organization volunteers will work to install or repair wheelchair ramps, handrails/grab-bars, steps, floor repairs, door/window repairs, roof/mechanical repairs, weatherization, exterior/interior painting, and other repairs that can impact safety and security.
Making repairs that protect the structure of these houses, and makes them more accessible and safe for their elderly occupants helps to keep these long-time residents in their homes and preserves affordable housing stock.
The goal is to impact the factors that keep each house “livable” and occupied which prevents it from becoming yet another vacant and abandoned property threatening the safety and desirability of the neighborhood where it is located.
Please specify what experience or skills you have in these areas:
- Exterior House, foundation, porch and trimming
- Yard Work
- Minor Plumbing
- Minor Electrical
- Carpentry
- Other: specify
For more information call the church office.