Upcoming Events with Our Friends at Grace and Freedom Houses

- The Grace House and Freedom House are residences for women and children who are in treatment for addiction. The services and homes are services of the Volunteers of America where the rare opportunity is available to both the addicted and the children who are implicated by the addiction. Such treatment is usually available to parents without provision for the inclusion of the children. The mission of this program is compatible to the mission of DBCC and there are many ways in which we can enter.
- On November 20, the day of our Thanksgiving Dinner at the church we to share our feast with the women and children of Grace House, who were our guests. An Angel Tree has been established at the church for the benefit of Freedom and Grace houses. You can pick one off the tree in the Gathering Area.
- Additionally, an open house is being planned at Grace House for November 30, from 5:00-7:00, in which some people from DBCC will be assisting. We will take the church van for those who wish to ride. We'll plan to leave the church at 4:30.
- A clothes closet has been established at DBCC where residents may select clothing they need for themselves and their children. Karen O'Hara is coordinating this project and is receiving clothing for women and children, primarily warm clothing right now. Towels and washcloths are needed for residents at both houses.
- Eventually there may be opportunities for meal preparation and dining at one or both residences.
There are some protocols that are necessary for us to observe and the cadre of people from DBCC is learning about how we can best serve these families. If you are curious or want to become more involved, please ask about these opportunities by calling or emailing the church office. More information will be forthcoming.
- Submitted by Mary Ann Lewis