Douglass Blvd Christian Church

an open and affirming community of faith

n open and affirming community where faith is questioned and formed, as relationships are made and upheld. 


Community Endorsements

At DBCC we work closely with a number of local non-profits. Here's what some of them have to say about us.

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The Fairness Campaign

"Douglass Boulevard Christian Church has been on the forefront of our movement for LGBT civil rights in Kentucky for many years. DBCC leaders have served in leadership roles on our coordinating committee, have helped organize the statewide Faith Leaders for Fairness network, and have stepped up to help host and support Fairness Campaign events in Louisville, Frankfort, and beyond. DBCC's contributions have been invaluable to our Fairness movement!"

Chris Hartman/ Executive Director/ Fairness Campaign


The ACLU of Kentucky

"As a gay man raised by a Southern Baptist minister, I have experienced first hand how church teachings can move away from what I see as the principled core of taking care of our fellow man. The Golden Rule truly is golden.

"I’ve always believed that working for social justice in the South means working with faith communities, because our churches are so often the hub of the broader community. I’ve been fortunate over the years to come in contact with faith leaders who see justice as part of their ministry. Douglass Boulevard Christian Church certainly fits that mold.

"DBCC has never shied away from standing up for the disempowered - whether it be the LGBT community or refugees - and has expanded the definition of ministry by hosting weekly farmer’s markets and partnering with Highland Community Ministries for daycare, which only broadens the circle of those who feel welcomed into the church community.

"I’ve been proud to partner with DBCC in the past and I know that I can rely upon the church to support justice now and in the future."

Michael Aldridge/ Executive Director/ ACLU of Kentucky


Volunteers of America Mid-States

"Volunteers of America Mid-States is honored to count among our closest partners and allies Douglass Boulevard Christian Church. Our mission to create positive change in the lives of individuals and communities through a ministry of service aligns perfectly with the active, social justice-oriented congregation of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church. Douglass Boulevard Christian Church has been very passionate about supporting homeless families as well as pregnant women in addiction recovery along with their children by meeting their basic needs, spiritual needs, and their needs for healthy, positive relationships. Douglass Boulevard Christian Church is a great model of a faith community “doing the Word” and we are so pleased with this vital partnership that has long-lasting impact on the lives of so many in our community.”

Jennifer Hancock, President & CEO/ Donna Trabue, Chaplain/ Volunteers of America/